Flow cytometry immunophenotyping is an important complementary laboratory tool that can be used in the diagnostic process for neoplastic disorders of blood and bone marrow.
Immunophenotyping hematopoietic specimens can aid in resolving differential diagnostic problems such as distinction between different acute leukemias, malignant lymphoma, and subtyping acute and chronic leukemias and lymphoproliferative disorders.
- Collect 5–10 ml of venous blood in a sterile sodium heparin (green top) tube. Mix well by inversion.
- Label the tube appropriately (at least the patient's first and last name).
- Place in a biohazard bag and transport to WPM Pathology Laboratory, along with a properly filled out WPM SURGICAL PATHOLOGY and NON-GYN CYTOLOGY request form. Under Special Requests: mark [X] Flow Cytometry. Also, submit a copy of a concurrent CBC report.